Keeping it real, real simple.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

She's a tower...

just waiting here, for a pleasant goodbye
introduced and induced once over
with a plan in hand and a beautiful picture

exotic is so played out
but if it was then it is
you are perfect in ways I don't know yet

it was worth the inevitable
bruise the personal, discard the obvious
base yourself on innocent facts
without permission attack

color it all without blindsided hits and stares
behind a nervous hand and a pose, delete the obvious

remind the innocence, the primal, the change of times
and the passing of goodbyes
innocent letters of stories behind masks and ammunition
corruption, inevitable sease and desist

behold a mighty scuplture, she's a tower
she's a tower...


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Well done!
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Anonymous said...

Nice site!
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Anonymous said...

Nice site! |