Keeping it real, real simple.

Sunday, May 27, 2007


ese numero de visitas a recibido el site...thank you for passing bye...I love every single one of you...con todo mi corazon...tengan por seguro, que tanta vibra buena o mala que me manden, sera reciprocada...Shalom...!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Adios de diferetes formas...

au revoir, good bye, Auf Wiedersehen, αγαθό αντίο, arrivederci, さようなら, adeus, хороший bye, goed tot ziens, bien jusqu'à ziens, Adéu, Bye bye, Bonne journée, U-hyu'-s-ti, Yadalanh, Ma'as salaama, Gero arte, Ta-ta, Shubho bidai, Joi gin, Ca ndyi, Ñakum ñiway, Adiu, Farvel, Tot ziens, Senebti, Cheerio, Adiau^, Näkemiin, Ata logo, Seavas, Jajoechajevypeve, Aloha 'oe, Namasté, Ya da ma, Bless, Tavvauvutit, Buona sera, Buona notte, 'Ad'iyoos, Ha'uu, Itte kimasu, Hona sainara, Shén, Shalom lejitraot, Viso gero, Mbarawa, Kande tne tíu, A se revede, Bayartai, B'a'tin b'eel, Titotazqueh, De kuday pa aman, Tsé, Até a vista, Sat siri akal, Quine na, Poka, Tofa, Tse ue, Addiu, Nasvidenje, Adyosi, Adjö, Parahi, Adiósibá, Sawatdi, Jema jai yong, Hoscakal, Do pobachennya, Chào ba, Khodankway, Zay gesunt, Kin bin tin nah, Ma chaá, Ngeyavalilisa, ...Ciao

Sunday, May 13, 2007


que buen partyson se aventaron estos compañeros de Kimika, congratulations...Mejor party que he ido en el año...haber como se pone lo que resta de el...Se la rifaron como siempre el duo dinamico del Guero y el monchis, poniendo la vibra a todo lo que daba...y MSTRKRFT, ni se diga...son unos cochinos atascados que me hacian temblar bien rico...good times, good times indeed...!

Foto por Pax

Thursday, May 10, 2007

en la madre...

saludos a las madrecitas...y a mi amigo el ducati...que cumple años...mi regalo a ellas sera esta magnifica cancion de Caetano me importa si no es apropiada...pero tiene feeling...

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Misguided Souls...

If the reach-out was inopportune...
I would gladly pay the toll of these sincere rehabilitation...
take me out back and put another one in my chest and through my heart of hearts...

I feel the softest touch that you could let go...
Just by hearing words as complicated melodies, articulated from the jaded...

We needed change...
and not for bus fare, but for sanity to remain real...
dig your teeth in, but not to feed, just to feel...

This deviated conversation is the bliss that ignorance brings...
I pass from being yours, to being mine, and you are back where you started...

Contaminated taken as a good thing...
intoxicated to the point of bliss...
Take these hands and make a model for the future failure...
Not only expected, but welcome as a learning step...

As I try to read your mind I am reminded by the curious...
it's not important to resume, unless you've thought it through...
Just give me a smile, and I will drown in it with all my pseudo-sorrow...
You'll charge me by the hour, and I'll gladly pay my dews...

Rid of me and this town of dying flames...
and flashes of pasive melloncolie...
I don't need these tears at all...
If i paint your eyes shut, you will not cry anymore...