Keeping it real, real simple.

Tuesday, July 06, 2010


Bring on to many the rise of the total and territorial blessing
separated by wires and razor..

And I fall by the waysides..

doomed to be doomed..

Bring is the verb the nonsense seeks to flatten the vowel
your are reminded and nasal..

No longer dizzy in he same way..
No new reason to get away..

the same ones do..

Now is anxiety, now is extended..
now is a limit that never has ended..

Three times a day on every third dawn..
drain the poison of the ember flower..

Knife open, left on right..
on this night, on the witching hour..

To you placing a flower for Venus..
standing naked on the window..

I take, like you take..
this is my will..

Painting by Dante Gabriel Rossetti

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