Keeping it real, real simple.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Mind fuck buddies...

Dis the association...
preserve the notion and rational evasive persuasion...
that lead, but don't guide...
just dive into the ocean...

Then again theres me, and me again...
my soulless companion, I'm yours...
beneath the beginning of a marginal play..

Take the trade, the deal is made...
clean all the wounds and prey they don't...
they don't believe anymore...

Adorn the unborn in liberty set and beset...
reset and start again and then blame a friend...
that only began to disappear without fear...

Then keys and lockets and other devices...
show patterns and increase the ease...
belief, up in the air with a doubtful stare...
poses, project the motion and the friction in the picture...

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