Keeping it real, real simple.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

warning track tears...

water hits my face and I finally wake up...
time to check the morning for spots...
familiar matting call that gets drowned out of recognition...

and the method that you used this time works both ways...
as a invitation and a severance check...

it was all an unmailed letter...
the reason for my sorrow...

taking empty promises...
and giving them life...
of their own and on their own...

the only signs of conflict are the scorpion and anvil...
left inside the scorching heat...
of deadly hearts...

take off and pay me back later...
I know you won't...
but at least I have your promise...

now the color of this breath I held for you is tarnished...
and has turned white...
I'ts time to get back home...

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