Keeping it real, real simple.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

alone with me...

Where god can't see
away from intent
deviate from devilish...

scheme, it has a face...
how fresh and how resistant I do not know...

I see you ran away...
It's more fun when thy're moving...
warm bodies
serving functions...

Ailment anticipation, seen a mile ahead...
but it still sneaks up on you...
we can be so blind when we want to...
Naive is the word of the day...

So lift up from nowhere I have moved on,
but have not moved an inch..

Test me some more, it's fun and sinful...
duality is deserved, and uleashed at will...
Teake me under, take me over
break it open...

I'm not here for you, and I know...
you are not here for me...